Academy for Security Analysis
The Academy for Security Analysis is a $4.98 Million project supported by USAID that seeks to build institutional capacity to analyze security and justice policies in the Northern Triangle region of Central America. The Academy primarily focuses on providing quantitative training and implementing randomized controlled trials in collaboration with government agencies and NGOs
Visit www.aas.jjay.cuny.edu/eng a
Armed Governance / Gobernabilidad Armada
This project uses an online expert survey to analyze armed governance behaviors by state and non-state armed actors in Colombia, Mexico, and Afghanistan.
The Mexican branch is funded by the National Sciences Foundation (grant 2116406) and the Colombian and Afghan branches were funded by the US Department of Defense (grant W911-NF-17-1-0569).
Visit armedgov.arizona.edu
Este proyecto utiliza encuestas de expertos para analyzar el comportabiento de gobernabilidad armada por parte de actores estatales y no estatales en México, Colombia, y Afghanistán.
El brazo Mexicano del proyecto está financiado por la Fundación para la Ciencia de los Estados Unidos (grant 2116406) y los brazos de Colombia y Afghanistán tuvieron financiamiento del Departamento de Defensa de Estados Unidos (grant W911-NF-17-1-0569).
Visite armedgov.arizona.edu
Peer reviewed articles
Replication files available here.
Visit the project's website at https://www.ocved.mx/
Replication files.
Replication files are available here.
Carrots and Sticks: Experimental Evidence of Vote Buying and Voter Intimidation in Guatemala (2020) with Ezequiel Gonzalez, Chad Kieweit de Jonge, Carlos Melendez, and David Nickerson, Journal of Peace Research, 57(1):46-61. PDF
Replication files are available here
Translating CAMEO: Documenting the semi-automated translation of verb dictionaries into Spanish (2019) with Viveca Pavon, Jennifer Holmes, Sayeed Salam, Patrick T. Brandt, and Latifur Khan, International Interactions, 54(6):1049-1064. PDF
Access the web app here
Disappearing dissent? Repression and state consolidation in Mexico (2018) with Livia Schubiget and Michael Weintraub, Journal of Peace Research, 55(2) 525-266. PDF
Vote Buying and Social Desirability Bias: Experimental Evidence from Nicaragua, (2011), with Ezequiel Gonzalez-Ocantos, Chad Kiewiet de Jonge, Carlos Meléndez, and David W. Nickerson, American Journal of Political Science, Vol. 56, Issue 1, 202-217, PDF.
Peer reviewed book chapters
"Las Causas Estructurales de la Violencia en México: Evaluación de Algunas Hipótesis", (2012), in Aguilar Rivera, José Antonio (Coord.), Las Bases Sociales del Crimen Organizado y la Violencia en México.Centro de Investigación y Estudios en Seguridad - Secretaría de Seguridad Pública, México City, 2012: 73-132, (in Spanish), PDF.
Hobbes on Drugs. Understanding Drug Violence in Mexico, (2013), Doctoral Dissertation, University of Notre Dame.
Work in progress
Support for Torture. Experimental Evidence from the War on Drugs in Mexico. Under review. PDF
Political (Dis)Order and Drug Violence in Mexico. PDF
Multi-Actor Conflict and Violence in Colombia, with Susan Norman. PDF
Multi-language Coding of Event Data Using Eventus ID. PDF
Carrots and Sticks. Experimental Evidence of Vote Buying and Voter Intimidation in Guatemala, with Ezequiel Gonzalez-Ocantos, Chad Kiewiet de Jonge, Carlos Meléndez, and David W. Nickerson.
Historical legacies of conflict. From the Cristero Rebellion to the Emergence of Self-defense forces in Mexico, with Livia Schubiger and Michael Weintraub.
Event Data Internal Validation: Experimental Evidence from Machine and Human Coding, with Benjamin Bagozzi, Patrick Brandt, Vito D’Orazio, John Freeman, Andrew Halterman, Jill Irvine, Jacob Loehr, Alisha Kim, and Philip Schordt.
Democratization and Drug Violence in Mexico.
- Version 2012. Presented at Yale University
Non-peer reviewed publications
Numbers Under Fire. The Challenges of Quantitative Data Gathering in Highly Violent Settings, (2014), Drugs, Security and Democracy Program DSD Working Papers on Research Security, No. 6, Social Science Research Council.
What the Afghan War Diary Really Tells Us, (2010), with Christopher Sullivan, Small Wars Journal.
¿Es Posible Contabilizar la Compra del Voto en México?, (2010), FEPADE Difunde.
Commissioned academic reports
Aproximación a las percepciones de la ciudadanía sobre la compra de votos y la intimidación de votantes en el régimen político guatemalteco. (with Ezequiel Gonzalez Ocantos, Carlos Meléndez, Chad Kiewiet de Jonge, and David Nickerson). Ciudad. de Guatemala, Guatemala: National Democratic Institute,
2012 (in Spanish).
"Caso de Estudio Mexicano" in Torres, Natalia (Comp.). Acceso a la información y datos personales: una vieja tensión, nuevos desafíos. (2012). Centro de Estudios para la Libertad de Expresión y Acceso a la Información–Open Society Foundations (CELE-OSF), Buenos Aires–México.
Javier Osorio
Assistant Professor
School of Government and Public Policy
University of Arizona